Samsung is launching in India three new dual-SIM Android smartphones, including the Galaxy Ace DUOS, Galaxy Y DUOS and Galaxy Y Pro DUOS. All three devices are powered by 823MHz processor and run Android 2.3 OS. Samsung will also bring the Champ Deluxe DUOS and the Star 3 DUOS to India.
Samsung Galaxy Y Pro DUOS
The Galaxy Ace DUOS (SCH-i589) has the same factor and features of the original Ace, and adds support for GSM+CDMA dual mode with active standby. It comes with a 3.5-inch 320×480 touchscreen and a 5 Megapixel camera. Samsung also upgrades the 1350mAh battery to a 1650mAh battery so as to handle Dual Active standby capability.
Samsung Galaxy Y DUOS
The Galaxy Y DUOS (GT-S6102) and Galaxy Y Pro DUOS (GT-B5512) are also similar to the original models (Galaxy Y and Galaxy Y Pro), but adds Dual-SIM support. The Y Pro DUOS comes with a 2.6-inch capacitive touchscreen and QWERTY keyboard while the Y DUOS gets a larger 3.14-inch touchscreen. They both sport 3 Megapixel camera, Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity. The Y Pro DUOS also has a front-facing VGA camera for video chat.
Samsung Champ Deluxe DUOS
The Champ Deluxe DUOS is a budget-priced (Rs. 3295) cellphone with dual SIM support. It has a 2.8-inch touchscreen, a 1.3 Megapixel camera, FM radio, Bluetooth support and video recording. The Star 3 DUOS, on the other hand, has a 3-inch touchscreen, 3.2 Megapixel fixed focus camera, Bluetooth 3.0, FM radio and WiFi connectivity.
Samsung Star 3 DUOS
The Galaxy Ace DUOS is priced at Rs. 16,900 while the Galaxy Y DUOS, Galaxy Y Pro DUOS are available for RS.10,490 and Rs. 11,090 respectively. The Star 3 DUOS will be priced at Rs. 6290.